
"The ONLY Fire Helmet Cameras™ designed by Firefighters"
Fire Cam is a firefighter owned and operated business. Our fire helmet cameras are SPECIFICALLY designed, NFPA compliant and are revolutionizing the fire service industry. They have been heat tested between 500F – 2000F and can be a valuable tool for training, incidents, critique and fire investigations. At Fire Cam, we are dedicated to making our customers satisfied with all transactions. Any manufacturing defects are covered under warranty and can be exchanged within the warranty period. We also offer the "Fire Cam Damage Warranty FREE".
Please be careful of fake "Fire Helmet Cameras™" sold elsewhere. Watch the HEAT TEST video that Fire Cam passed, while other cameras failed.
If its not stamped “FIRE CAM”, it’s NOT A “FIRE HELMET CAMERA™”.
See the HEAT TEST that others fail
Fire Cam is giving away a Fire Cam ONCE A MONTH! All you need to do is enter your email address below and you are entered for our computer generated monthly drawing! This month we will be giving away the "Fire Cam 1080" which includes all accessories and 8GB card!